Over the past few days, I have been looking at the things that go on around me and I find myself yelling a lot. This hurts me, because I don't want my children to see me this way. I want my children to know and feel the love that I have for them, not my reactions to frustrations that go on throughout the course of the day.
I don't want the time to fly by and regret not showing my babies the love that they deserve every second of every day. Jesus shows us His love regardless of our behavior. I am sure there are days when He looks down and sees what our behavior is and is in shock. During those times, His love is ever present, not yelling or screaming, but an everlasting love that wraps around us.
I want my babies to know and feel my love for them to that same degree, regardless of what has happened or what discipline may need to be administered. Above anything, they are children and they need to know how important they are and how much they are loved. When have grown, I want them to look back and never have an ounce of doubt that I love them more than anything they can ever imagine.
I am linking with with Jen from Finding Heaven Today, please check out her page, she is a dynamic woman of God.
Hi Sarah
Just wanted to let you know that you are not the only who feels yells at their kids out of frustration. I do it too and i am sure many mothers do it, so dont beat yourself up about it. As long as you've realised that its happening and looking for ways to change that habit you are on the right track.
Hang in there babe it does get better i promise :)
Mayya @ Sew Chic and Unique
Thank you for the encouragement =) I am at the stage with my children that they are both passing through the terrible two's at the same time....lol i have a 16 month old and a 2 year old. I am sure that it will be a bit easier once we are past this stage....
I've so been where you have -- I can feel your every word in my past (and present-day) experiences.
Isn't it great to see God's grace play out on the faces of our children? They are always willing to throw themselves back into our arms, even after we may have yelled. I think God does the same thing for us, after we have messed up, too. We can curl up with Him, ask forgiveness, and receive His love.
You're not alone -- but remember you've been showered with grace!
None of us is perfect, but if we stay close to Him, that's what they see. Take heart.
Yelling. Oh that evil monster that shows up at this house sometimes. It's a struggle for all of us I think. I know that when I do lose it, I ask the children for their forgiveness, just like they have to after a temper tantrum. We're all human. But we have a graceful Father.
I've been in the same spot. Don't be too hard on yourself. Your kids are beautiful and how much you love them comes through in your writing.
Sarah, you know after visiting my blog today that you're not alone :). We all have these days. I am often reminded of how much our children are like Jesus. Full of grace, forgiveness and always ready for a hug.
Thank you for your visit and encouraging words. And thank you also, to you and your husband for serving our country, you are both appreciated.
What realness you showed us here today. I am not a Mom but when I get upset or angry that usually comes out in a much louder voice than normal. I have worked on it for the last several years but sometimes...I just forget and I am yelling before I know it.
Your love shines through here for your darling babies. Asking and extending forgiveness (including forgiving yourself) goes a long way.